Spring has Sprung

Winter is finally over. March 21 marked the official first day of spring. The snow is melting and green, if slightly withered, and grass is visible on campus for the first time in months. Accompanied by rain and thunderstorms, spring is complying with various weather stereotypes in turns, being alternately cool and misty or balmy with partial sun and highs in the sixties. Any preoccupation with the weather on my part directly stems from an acute case of spring fever. After all, spring has a way of getting to people.

With the change in daylight savings time, the days begin earlier, allowing more time for both work and play. Although realistically there is not much difference in the amount of time comprising the day, the change in mental perspective has a noticeable effect on our behavior. For example, pushing the clocks back an hour exposes people to more sunlight, assuming the sun is visible that day, which increases the amount of vitamin D they get and also generally improves moods, especially if you’re one of many who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. More sunlight means more smiling.

A time of renewal as nature regenerates after winter, spring might be the most famous out of all the seasons, bringing to mind garden weddings, flowers in full bloom, and of course, spring cleaning. Spring cleaning encourages people to un-clutter the detritus of their past in favor of fresh, new chapters in their lives. So don’t be afraid to throw away or burn those old love letters and pictures of your ex-girlfriend’s dog. In addition to being excellent therapy, cleaning creates space for new memories and new belongings, including clothes, which should be an excellent incentive for clearing out your closet.

And with the arrival of warmer temperatures and the purchase of dazzling new attire, a spring fling just might be on the horizon.

Spring is a season associated with fertility and procreation (although generally college students try to avoid the latter). As temperatures rise, so do libidos. Take a cue from nature: brightly colored male birds sing pretty songs in order to attract female attention and intimidate competition. Guys and girls on this campus are anything but drab, and the same concept definitely applies. So dress up. Hook up. Love may not be in the air, but sex definitely is. Not that I’m endorsing rampant meaningless promiscuity at Colgate. If you’re looking for something a little more permanent than the backseat of Johnny Senior’s car, the grass-roots movement on campus to “bring back the date” just might provide the opportunity.

The beginning of spring also means endings: the end of winter, the end of classes, and for some students on campus, the end of the undergraduate college experience. This semester is drawing to a close, and commencement is only eight weeks away. So whether getting ready for grad school, preparing to study abroad or just setting weekend plans with that special (if temporary) someone, make it a spring-and an affair-to remember.