Stop whatever you are doing and take a moment to walk over to the window. Peer out over Colgate University’s beautiful campus. The scene displays trees topped with spectacular colored leaves in an ombré from bright green to vivacious red. Each leaf contributes its own hue, showing a kaleidoscope of colors before you.
These colorful shades infuse liveliness into Colgate’s campus. The ground is sporadically covered with these jumbles of colored leaves and a soft crunch is heard as the person below steps on them. The air lingers with an earthy yet crisp smell, making every breath an escape to tranquility.
Every day, you could return to this spot and see what new gift fall offers because the season relies on one thing in particular: change. This serene site and feeling is one to remember, proving that fall is the best season.
Others may argue that summer or winter is the best season. However, fall can exceed anyone’s wish for a perfect season — you just may not know it yet. The flavors, activities, weather and community that fall echoes place it at the top of the seasonal podium.
Staring outside the window into the vastness of Colgate’s fall campus wouldn’t be complete without a pumpkin spice latte or an apple cinnamon pastry. The foods and flavors of fall are beyond decadent. Apple, pumpkin, pumpkin spice, cinnamon and maple are just a few flavors that infuse fall dishes with richness. With the variety of flavors, there has to be one that makes your taste buds overjoyed. Nothing is better than having a slice of gooey apple pie steaming from the oven or a maple donut topped with an abundance of cinnamon sugar. I bet your taste buds are really craving these delicious fall staple foods. Better yet, these flavors evoke a sense of warmth in the body: a whiff of these smells can calm the heart rate and the mind. Pumpkin spice truly does make everything nice.
From gazing out of the window, you can see fall presents the most colorful and enjoyable environment. To add to this fall wonderland, the weather is beyond temperate. The temperature rests around a mild 60 degrees. The mornings present refreshing air that warms up to a comfortable temperature in the afternoon. Other seasons fall short of this luxury. The blazing sun in the summer is unbearable unless it’s combated with a fan and sunscreen, and who wants to carry around these things just to enjoy the day? On the other hand, winter brings the polar opposite extreme. Here in Hamilton, N.Y., the average winter temperature is below freezing, and the fierce season can dump around 96 inches of snow on the ground annually. No one can possibly enjoy this season when you have to wear a coat down to your ankles and two pairs of thick socks underneath your fur-insulated boots. Finally, the sloshy spring soil can soak your dry feet, making it uncomfortable to walk to your next class. Fall does not have any of these misleading weather illusions: thinking the season will be filled with wonderful weather but soon realizing it leads to disappointment. Now, I bet the mild fall climate makes you want to stop time and take advantage of the pants and short-sleeved weather.
The pleasant fall temperatures also allow for endless outdoor activities. Other seasons can limit people’s outdoor activities because the weather is intolerable for them. However, apple picking, pumpkin picking, going on hay rides, hiking and wandering through a corn maze are just a few of the many common fall activities that excite people. Family and friends gather for these festivities, creating cherished memories associated with fall.
Not to mention football games are a popular fall festivity. Football is known to be the most popular sport in America, and its commencement is one more benefit fall offers. Fall signifies the beginning of football season, and the temperate weather brings fans from all over to the tailgates. Whether it is high school football, college football or the NFL, the enthusiastic fans unite incomparable to any other sport. On Colgate’s campus, students, alumni and the Hamilton community gather to support the team. As the fans yell from the Andy Kerr Stadium sidelines, people join to bond over a common passion. I believe that fall fosters this sense of community like no other season.
Now that it is established that fall should not be overlooked as the best season, go out and enjoy the wonders it has to offer. Explore the apple orchards around Hamilton or find a new recipe for a fall-flavored dessert. These next few months present endless opportunities to explore the outdoors and pass the time with friends and family while gathering for an activity. Take advantage of the mild weather and exciting activities before the unbearable Hamilton winter strikes.