Letter to the Editor: Bring Back Hockey Webcasts

Dear Editor:

Alex Clark’s commentary “See You Later to CUTV Hockey” (November 18) is dead on. I am a parent of a men’s hockey player from British Columbia, Canada, and I truly wish I had access to the hockey games via webcast. Colgate fails to appreciate that Colgate is not well known in my province, but my son, as well as others who play for the Raiders, are very well known. They are stars who have moved on to play NCAA Division I college hockey. Colgate misses out on promoting not only Raiders hockey but the University and the Hamilton area to many future athletic prospects and students who might consider Colgate as a University option. I truly hope the Athletics Department will re-consider its decision and will allow webcasts in the very near future. Especially since Colgate is ranked so highly and has produced a winning record so far this season.

Joe Bogdanich British Columbia