13 Beats of the Week: Halloween Beats

 1. “Werewolves of London” by The Charlie Daniels Band

Perfect for those of you going abroad in London next semester, this song is sure to both excite and scare. 

2.  “Season of the Witch” by Donovan 

With a Zeppelin-esque melody, this song is perfect for your classic Halloween playlist. 

3. “Time Warp” by Patricia Quinn, Richard O’Brien, Little Nell

This classic has been played at pretty much every Halloween party since the Rocky Horror Picture Show was first shown. There’s a reason it’s so popular! 

4. “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell

Make sure to watch out for this song on Halloween. With creepy melodies and even creepier lyrics, this song is sure to get your spook on. 

5. “MONSTER” by Kanye West, Jay Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, Bon Iver

It might be a bit of reach when it comes to Halloween music, but this song is really good and it has “monster” in the title so I’m going to take it. 

6. “Monster Mash” by Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers

Ahh, every kid’s pre-trick-or-treating song, this classic might be exactly what you need to get in the Halloween spirit.

7. “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” by Blue Öyster Cult

Probably on your parent’s Halloween playlist back in the day, this song is tried and true. A more mellow toon as Halloween beats go, make sure to play this one at the end of your wild Halloween night. 

8. “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker, Jr. 

Spoooooky, the ghosts of alumni past may try to haunt you on Halloween night, but a quick call to the Ghostbusters is all you need to keep the party rolling. 

9. Thriller” by Michael Jackson

This playlist would certainly be incomplete without the anthem of all Halloween goers. Your friends will be thrilled to hear this song come up.

10. “Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence 

The angstiest song of our generation, this song is great for when you want to make sure everyone is ready to rally for the night. If you’re friend is still unwilling to brave this “cold” fall weather, throw on this song and they’ll be up in no time. 

11. “Zombies” by The Cranberries

Yes, it’s hard to tell but the lyrics are “zombies in your head.” Nothing scarier than some zombies trying to eat your brains. 

12. The Devil Went Down to Georgia” by The Charlie Daniels Band

One of the most epic fiddle duels of all time (who knows, there might be a lot out there…) this song is perfect for a wild halloween night. 

13. “She Wolf” by Shakira

This song is great for your Halloween dance party. Shakira’s hips don’t lie and neither will yours dancing to this spooky Halloween beat.

Contact Jonathan Santiago at jsantiago@colgate.edu.