Dining Services Help Student Groups Fundraise by Selling Concessions

Yvette Qian

PHILANTHROPY THROUGH FOOD: Dining Services offer service opportunities to students to raise money for clubs and charitable organizations.

Colgate Dining Services are offering opportunities for student groups to raise money at athletic events by selling concessions. According to Resident District Manager of Dining Services Don Stanwick, interested groups will receive half of all concession sales to donate to a not-for-profit organization of their choice.

“We’re inviting student groups to help raise money by working concessions […] for basketball, football games and hockey games,” Stanwick said. “We give them 50% of all the sales [to] go right back to their club or if they want to donate it.” Possible sporting events include football, women’s ice hockey, men’s ice hockey, men’s basketball and women’s basketball. 

Stanwick argued that, with over 40 games on the schedule, using Dining Services to raise money can be more effective than other traditional methods of fundraising. Proceeds will be mailed as a check to their non-profit organization, according to a Google form created by Dining Services. All events must be registered at least five days in advance with a Dining Services staff member.  

“They’re able to raise a bit of money instead of going door to door to sell,” Stanwick said. “I think everybody’s kind of tired of the bake sale […] so we want to do something that can be fun.”

Stanwick emphasized that fundraising should be an enjoyable experience. He added that working with Dining Services can be a fun way to spend time with friends, eat, watch Colgate athletics, and raise money. 

At previous state schools that Stanwick has worked with, organizations have typically received 25% of gross profits. At Colgate, this percentage doubles to 50%, a figure that Stanwick hopes will entice more fundraising groups to work with Dining Services. Dining Services had previously offered this volunteer opportunity with 33% of proceeds going to non-profit organizations, but Stanwick has raised the percentage in an effort to get students more involved.

The Colgate Global Health Coalition recently took advantage of Dining Services’ offer by selling food and drinks at a men’s ice hockey game. President of the Coalition and junior Parna Shakouri found out about the opportunity through a Sept. 24 email crafted to student leaders by the Center for Leadership Student Involvement. 

The Coalition raised over $800 in support of the Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children, according to Vice President of the Coalition and junior Rebecca Weeks.

“I would encourage other Colgate students to take advantage of this opportunity. It is an extremely easy and enjoyable way to raise money for a club or a specific fundraiser and unites students from all areas of campus. You meet some wonderful people who run Colgate Athletics and Dining Services, and I know that everyone who worked the game had a great time,” Weeks said.

By partnering with Colgate’s separate Public Health Initiatives group for the fundraiser, working members of the Coalition met new classmates while collecting money for an important cause.

“It enabled [the Coalition] to meet with and hang out with other individuals who also share our passion for public global health while engaging with the broader Colgate community,” Weeks said. “It was a ton of fun running the kitchen and an incredible learning experience as we all gained a better understanding of the behind the scenes at sporting events.”

Stanwick also noted how the option to mail checks from Dining Services directly removes some of the red tape that can make nonprofit donations a tedious process for student groups — a sentiment that Shakouri agreed with.

“Colgate is very specific about the ways in which student organizations can fundraise, and this way is completely within guidelines and easy for everyone involved,” Shakouri said. “It also has the potential to generate over $1000, which you normally wouldn’t see in any other fundraising event on a campus our size.”

Stanwick, who wants this option to be as easy as possible, said that those interested in fundraising with Dining Services can reach out to him directly at dstanwick@colgate.edu or utilize the Google form sent to student leaders via email on Sept. 24, 2021. From there, groups can select to raise money at a variety of athletic events throughout the year with flexible working hours.