Seven Oaks Golf Clubhouse and Restaurant Finishing up Renovations, Reopening in May
The Seven Oaks Golf Club is finishing up major renovations to its restaurant and club facilities this spring. Renovations began in the fall of 2021, and the main building has been closed since. The golf shop is planned to resume operation near the end of May while the restaurant is on an extended timeline.
According to the Seven Oaks’ most recent spring newsletter, the new building includes better amenities such as a new restaurant and dining area, golf shop, banquet and private meeting rooms and new locker rooms with showers for available members. Also, the new renovations include a new bag drop and cart staging area, in efforts to improve customer service.
Patricia (Patty) Caprio, the senior philanthropic advisor in the Office of Advancement at Colgate, explained how the renovations for the clubhouse were funded.
“The goals for the course and clubhouse renovations were $8 million and it was completely donor funded through Colgate,” Caprio said.
The golf course is also undergoing construction and the goal is to have it completely playable by the end of May. The weather, however, will be the ultimate factor on how quickly they can work on the course. Some of these renovations to the golf course include new sod, sand and tee boxes.
Dallas Pylinski, the director of golf at the Seven Oaks golf course and clubhouse, spoke about the current renovations, specifically regarding the new clubhouse. The new building will include both the golf shop and restaurant, and guests can expect upgrades in every aspect of the facilities in the clubhouse.
“There will be more places for people to sit outside, banquet and meeting rooms, new locker room facilities and overall upgraded facilities while keeping the same feel of the old building,” Pylinski said.
The renovations also include adding some length to the golf course to make it longer and renovating the existing fairway bunkers. According to Pylinski, the renovations are on schedule and they hope to be in the new building by graduation weekend.
Pylinski emphasized that the clubhouse maintained the same green fees for this season, and that overall price changes or increases will depend on the golf industry as a whole.
The renovations have also had certain implications for the Colgate Golf team. Junior Akhil Giri, a student on the golf team, spoke about the team’s reactions to the renovations.
“We as a team are very excited to see the final product of the renovations at Seven Oaks,” Giri said. “The staff has been working very hard, and I’m sure the course will be even better than it was when the renovation is complete.”
Giri also mentioned how, while it has been a challenge to prepare, the Seven Oaks staff has allowed the golf team to play large portions of the course.
“This spring, it has definitely been difficult to find different ways to practice given the nature of the weather and the course being closed,” Giri said. “Seeing the renovations moving forward and progressing has been a welcome sight for sure.”

Mehek Singh is a senior from Baltimore, MD concentrating in international relations and minoring in global public and environmental health. She has previously...

Mary Grygier is a senior from Ridgewood, NJ concentrating in psychology and film & media studies. She has previously served as a contributing photographer....