SGA Announces Winners of Election

The Student Government Association (SGA) Presidential Election was in full throttle this past week as candidates from two tickets campaigned vigorously for the positions of SGA President and Vice President. Juniors Kegan Thompson and David Kim squared off with juniors Jessie Sullivan and Greg Brea for the coveted SGA President and Vice President positions. The two tickets presented venerable campaigns with fresh ideas designed to improve student life and the broader Colgate community. Over 1,300 votes were cast in this year’s election, and Thompson and Kim were declared the victors on Sunday, April 5. Thompson spoke about the results of their campaigning and the election.

“David and I are extremely grateful and humbled to be elected President and Vice President of the student body. We would like to publicly thank all of our campaign agents and supporters for their work and encouragement. We have big plans for SGA, and we are excited to work with everyone to get them achieved,” Thompson said.

Thompson also gave credit to Sullivan and Brea and said that he looks forward to working with them now and in the future as he soon looks to take charge of SGA and its many responsibilities and duties. Thompson and Kim will be sworn in as President and Vice President on Tuesday, April 21, in Love Auditorium. On that same day, current SGA President senior Sarah Rende will report on the work SGA has done this year, along with the Class Council Presidents.

Elections Commissioners senior Emily Taft and senior Victoria Linney worked tirelessly to ensure a clean and fair election was in order. The two commissioners helped launch many of the voting booths stationed around campus and worked together to ensure that lawful campaign practices were upheld.

“Both tickets were very strong and should be proud of the work they did the past few weeks. They both ran great campaigns that made the student body more aware of the issues on campus and the work that SGA does. This year we had the highest voter turnout in recent years, which was also a big accomplishment for the candidates,” Taft said.

In addition, the senior commissioners are also continuing on with future elections for SGA positions. There are many open positions and new leadership roles available for Colgate students. It is a great opportunity to effect positive change, and it is also filled with great responsibility. 

“For open seats, there are ten Senate positions for each year open, the Parliamentarian and Liaison positions are open and there are five open seats on the BAC. Our goal this year, as Elections Commissioners, was to bring more awareness to the elections and really push for more involvement. Often, elections are uncontested, which offers the student body hardly any say in who will speak for them,” Taft said.

In the midst of the exciting election and campaign season, SGA members continue to work on projects and initiatives for the Colgate community and are working together to put the finishing touches on many exciting programs and ideas.