Konosioni Honor Society Introduces New Members

Konosioni, Colgate’s Senior Honor Society, inducted its newest members from the Class of 2016 on Friday, February 13, in the Memorial Chapel. Despite the freezing temperature and numbing winds, the current Konosioni class led the annual torchlight procession around the academic quad to begin the Induction Ceremony. 

Once everyone was seated in the chapel, Konosioni President senior Emily Hawkins extended a warm welcome to the new members.

“To this day, Konosioni continues to stand as a peer-selected group of 26 students recognized for their outstanding leadership, dedicated service to the community and preservation of tradition. The 26 inductees honored here today are exceptional members of the Colgate community, and we are so proud to acknowledge their tremendous contributions,” Hawkins said.

Assistant Dean of Admission Dave Esber ’13 was chosen to address the Konosioni Class of 2016. He was a member of Konosioni his senior year.

“For me, [being inducted into] Konosioni was an honor bestowed without complete understanding about what was to come. If I’ve learned anything in my four years as a student and now in my two as an employee, it’s that Colgate people love Colgate – so much so that some of us never leave,” Esber said during the Induction Ceremony.

“By sitting here, you have recognized your role at Colgate and have made significant and meaningful and impactful contributions to this community. It’s up to you to spread your love for Colgate and to share it with those around you. Collectively, you all represent the leaders of thought and action on this campus. There is awesome potential in this room.”

After Esber’s address to the inductees, the Konosioni Class of 2015 individually presented each new member of the Class of 2016. In short, personalized speeches, the current Konosioni members recognized each of the new member’s important contributions to the Colgate community through their extensive academic and extracurricular involvements.

Senior Konosioni member Annie Hoefler expressed her excitement for the newly inducted Konosioni class.

“The induction was so great. It was fitting to celebrate the accomplishments of those who embody the spirit of Colgate on Colgate Day. It was really moving to see so many members of the Colgate community in attendance to celebrate the achievements of their peers … I was really impressed by how much our new members have already accomplished and am looking forward to seeing what they are able to do next year,” Hoefler said.

Junior Alain Cruz was one of the 26 newly-inducted members into the Konosioni Class of 2016. He voiced his anticipation for working with his fellow Konosioni members.

“I’m looking forward to working with the juniors on Konosioni, because they’re all so involved, and I think we can get a lot done. I’m also looking forward to getting to know the seniors because they’re going to be the ones showing us how things work, how things run. They’re such great role models. It’s fun to have them here [to] help us learn the ropes,” Cruz said.