The Oldest College Weekly in America. Founded 1868.

The Colgate Maroon-News

The Oldest College Weekly in America. Founded 1868.

The Colgate Maroon-News

The Oldest College Weekly in America. Founded 1868.

The Colgate Maroon-News

13 Beats: From the Office

13 Beats: From the Office

As the school year winds down, the editorial staff of The Colgate Maroon-News work tirelessly to bring their readers the latest stories and happenings on campus. Every Tuesday, members of staff spend several hours in the office located on the third floor of Colgate University’s James C. Colgate Hall, working hard to create each issue. While the staff fondly reflects on the high-quality stories published every week amidst the meticulous editing, chasing down of sources, fine-tuning of layouts and overall chaos of student journalism, music comes to the rescue by keeping spirits high and productivity flowing.

From upbeat tunes to soothing melodies, here are 13 songs from the office that reflect the diverse tastes and personalities of our staff and help us pull through each week to create the newspaper. Whether you’re in desperate need of motivation during your late-night library sessions or are simply craving a gentle push to finish the year off strong, this playlist will help you find your end-of-semester flow.

1. “We Didn’t Start the Fire” – Billy Joel (1989)

With the rapid-fire delivery of each lyric, this fast-paced tune relates to the energetic and information-packed nature of reporting, especially for a weekly. Billy Joel perfectly encapsulates how us students journalists here at the Maroon-News zero in on the facts and stay up to date with the latest events.

2. “Under Pressure” – Queen & David Bowie (1981)

“Pressure pushin’ down on me, pressin’ down on you,” sing Queen and David Bowie in this classic ’80s hit. The iconic melody and message of this song represent the challenges editors face at the Maroon-News in terms of navigating tight deadlines and delivering accurate and compelling stories, all while trying to stay grounded and maintain journalistic integrity. 

3. “Wrecking Ball” – Miley Cyrus (2013)

Just as Miley Cyrus “came in like a wrecking ball” in her 2013 single, countless stories written by contributing and staff writers flood the inboxes of editors at the Maroon-News every week. This snappy anthem pairs perfectly with the joyous sounds of hammering and beeping from the construction of the new Bernstein Hall right across from the office. 

4. “World Hold On”– Bob Sinclar (2006)

While a relatively new feature in our office layout playlist, the occasional EDM track has proven to be a morale booster amongst staff members. Bob Sinclar sings “World, hold on,” a refrain many editors find themselves uttering during Tuesday layouts when the work continues to pile up. 

5. “Stairway to Heaven” – Led Zeppelin (1971) 

Through its title and sheer length of eight minutes and two seconds, this masterpiece by Led Zeppelin is reminiscent of the climb up to the office, located on the third floor of James C. Colgate Hall. Staff members brave this journey to ensure that you, our dear readers, receive a copy of the Maroon-News every single week. And no, there is no elevator to the office — or to heaven.

6. “Oxford Comma” – Vampire Weekend (2008) 

The catchy melody, upbeat tempo and intricate guitar riffs in this tune keep staff members motivated and energized. Notice how I left out the Oxford comma in that sentence? The AP Stylebook guide for journalism does not use the Oxford comma. Editors on staff comb through every article, meticulously removing Oxford commas as they go. This song acts as the perfect reminder! 

7. “Dreams” – Fleetwood Mac (1977)

Stevie Nicks’ ethereal vocals combined with the steady drumbeat of this iconic tune foster a soothing yet motivating environment in the office. The heartfelt lyrics and dreamlike melody act as the perfect backdrop for a relaxing mid-layout break on Tuesdays. 

8. “9 to 5” – Dolly Parton (1980) 

This bright and twangy track reflects the hustle and bustle of the working world. When staff members shuffle into the office each Tuesday with determination, Dolly Parton’s message of resilience sprinkles some much-needed pep our steps — especially when layout runs later than “9 to 5.” 

9. “Espresso” – Sabrina Carpenter (2024) 

Sabrina Carpenter’s most recent single features a fast-paced tempo and an energetic mix of electronic beats and percussion that pair perfectly with her confident and charismatic delivery of the lyrics. Just like the artist, staff members rely on caffeine in the form of coffee and Celsius energy drinks to keep them going throughout a long day of work in the office.

10. “Sunday Morning” – Maroon 5 (2004)

Adam Levine’s smooth, soulful vocals and catchy melody evoke a sense of warmth and happiness that radiates positivity. Every Sunday morning — or afternoon, the editorial staff begins looking over the latest stories to prepare for a successful week. 

11. “Here Comes the Sun” – The Beatles (1969)

As George Harrison sings “Here comes the sun, and I say / It’s all right,” a sense of comfort and optimism fills the office. Listening to this song is the perfect way to start an early Tuesday morning, especially during one of Hamilton’s harsh winters when the sun doesn’t come as often as it should. 

12. “The Wire” – HAIM (2013)

As promised, this playlist reflects the wide range of musical tastes found within our office. The rhythmic guitar chords and dynamic drumming in Haim’s catchy indie pop-rock song create a sense of groovy momentum. In the office, things often come down to the wire, making this song a very fitting listen. 

13. “Photograph” – Ed Sheeran (2015) 

The Maroon-News office is filled with old — some might even say vintage — photographs of Colgate students and campus happenings that date back several decades. In this emotional and poignant ballad, Ed Sheeran explores themes of nostalgia while reminiscing on fond memories. The photographs in the office are a constant reminder of our community’s vibrant past and the ongoing importance of our work in preserving Colgate’s legacy and trailblazing a path forward.

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About the Contributors
Mehek Singh
Mehek Singh, Special Projects Manager
Mehek Singh is a senior from Baltimore, MD concentrating in international relations and minoring in global public and environmental health. She has previously served as an Assistant News Editor and staff writer for the News section. On campus, Mehek is a peer consultant in the Writing and Speaking Center, and is also involved in Class Council, Link Staff, and the Benton Scholars.
Abby Harn
Abby Harn, Assistant Special Projects Manager
Abby Harn is a sophomore from San Antonio, TX concentrating in international relations and economics. She has previously served as a staff writer for the Commentary section. 

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