Investigator Specializing in Sexual Assault Hired by Campus Safety
Colgate’s Campus Safety De-partment recently hired a new in-vestigator who specializes in cases of sexual assault. With 16 years of experience in the Onondaga Police Department’s Special Victim’s Unit (SVU), Valerie Brogan is well pre-pared for her new role at Colgate. She has worked as a part time de-tective at Colgate since 2010 and was hired into her new full-time position, investigator, on February 27 of this year.
“I hate to say it, but what bet-ter place to apply all my experience than a college campus where, un-fortunately, some experiences with drinking and/or drugs can lead to certain situations,” Brogan said.
This office is one that has always existed in Colgate’s Campus Safety Department, but Director and Chief Bill Ferguson hopes that Investiga-tor Brogan’s considerable experience and passion for the field will bring something new to the role.
“My vision by this hire is to ex-pand that role so the investigator goes more out in the field, more face-to-face interaction rather than just making phone calls in an office,” Ferguson said.
Ferguson added that Brogan’s role should bridge the gap between the Campus Safety Department and the student body. Another change this expansion will encom-pass will involve providing the Campus Safety staff with training in the area of sexual assault. This will involve teaching how the of-ficers can support students best when they receive a call or com-plaint so that victims are less afraid to come forward.
When a student reaches out to Campus Safety, he or she has the option to proceed with a law enforcement process, a Campus Safety process, or both. Brogan will help victims make an informed de-cision about how to proceed, mak-ing them aware of all the resources available to them. Her job is to en-sure that victims’ medical and emo-tional needs are met while collect-ing information quickly in order to put together a good case against the perpetrator. She enables all victims to proceed in a way with which they are comfortable.
Brogan stresses the importance of coming forward with instances of personal sexual assault or that of a friend, reminding students that Campus Safety does care.
“If you or someone else you know is sexually assaulted, report it to Campus Safety, local authori-ties, your Resident Advisor (RA), a counselor – anyone who will listen and can help you or that person,” Brogan said.
With Investigator Brogan’s ex-tensive amount of experience and enthusiasm to help students, it is clear that the Colgate community is in good hands.
“I am passionate about this kind of work,” Brogan said. “Someone has to do it, and I don’t mind.”
Contact Caroline Main at [email protected].