Red Ball Raises Money for Various HIV/AIDS Charities
On Thursday, March 29, the Student Global AIDS Campaign (SGAC), Shaw Wellness Institute, Bunche House and Theta Chi fra-ternity co-sponsored the first Red Ball. The gala was organized by SGAC under the leadership of its president, sophomore Rachel Eisen.
The purpose of the semi-formal Red Ball, held at the Theta Chi fraternity house, was to raise funds for organizations that help to com-bat Human Immunodeficiency Vi-rus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and to increase awareness about HIV and AIDS on the Colgate campus.
To raise money, the Red Ball re-quired an entrance fee of $5 and also accepted larger donations. The event raised $1,360.50 in total.
Proceeds went to a few organiza-tions. Part of the money went to the AIDS Community Center in Utica, SGAC’s Center for Outreach, Vol-unteerism and Education (COVE) community partner, which provides prevention and support services in the area. Another share of the funds went to Sir Richard’s condoms.
“Sir Richard’s condoms are kind of like the TOMS of condoms,” Eisen said. “For every condom purchased here, the organization gives a condom to a person where the AIDS pandemic still exists, such as Haiti or Uganda.”
Lastly, SGAC hopes to allot some of the proceeds to the Ben-ton Scholars to finance HIV/AIDS medical supplies for a hospital in Uganda in which the Benton Scholars will work.
At the Red Ball, all attendees wore red in honor of the HIV/ AIDS cause and listened to a pre-sentation by SGAC on the pur-pose of the event. The Colgate Inn provided food..
“The event went really well,” Theta Chi Philanthropy Co- Chair and sophomore Jacob Free-man said. “Attendance was very high and the place was packed.”
SGAC hoped that the Red Ball event would raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS issue on the Colgate campus.
“We wanted to give people some facts and hopefully get peo-ple more interested in HIV/AIDS related issues,” Eisen said.
In the past, SGAC has distrib-uted cookies with HIV/AIDS facts in Case-Geyer Library, handed out condoms at the Jug, sponsored Brown Bags and as-sisted with Sex Week, which took place from November 7 to 11. Looking forward to the end of the year, SGAC intends to continue fostering awareness by supporting the AIDS Hike in Hamilton, NY.
Contact Hannah Fuchs at [email protected].