Baker’s Dozen: Jordan Williams

Jordan Williams

Senior Jordan Williams is a renaissance woman. In her fourth year playing for Raiders Tennis, the retired WRCU host and current member of Gamma Phi Beta has shown she can do it all. Williams proved to everyone that she could do even more, though, when she joined the bartending staff of the Olde Stone Jug earlier this year. Starting in the spring, she worked Saturday nights, but since her schedule has gotten busier, more recently you’d be seeing her on weeknights.

“This year I’m doing fill-ins because I’m so busy, which is tough because I’m there from 10:45p.m. to about 2:30 a.m. weekdays. Not great for the sleep schedule, but I make pretty good money in that short amount of time,” Williams said.

While being a bartender sounds fun to most, Colgate students can attest to the hectic nights the iconic Hamilton landmark is known for. Williams learned to enjoy herself despite the intensity of the environment.

“As you can imagine, it’s very stressful having 20 belligerent college kids leaning over the bar yelling orders at you. I realized that I can’t please everyone all at once, which is something I always try to do in life,” Williams said. She did mention her disappointment in the development of her bartending skills.

“I thought I would learn how to be a [good] bartender but people only drink vodka crans, vodka red bulls and mind erasers, so I’ve kinda mastered those and know nothing else,” Williams said.

She enjoys the company of her employers, John and Michelle Koen, referencing the dad jokes cracked and wholesome conversations about family and vacations.

Between her busy athletic and academic schedules, it’s a wonder Williams finds the time and energy to bartend for the good students of Colgate. That being said, the next time you’re reaching over the bar trying to order a vodka cran at the Jug, give Jordan Williams a good ole’ Colgate Hello. A tip works, too.