In the Light: Doneisha Snider
There are some people who do so much around campus that you cannot possibly imagine where they find the hours in the day to fit it all in. Senior Doneisha Snider is one of these people – and she still finds the time to be welcoming. Although involved in countless clubs and organizations, she doesn’t flaunt it. Instead, she will invite you to a mismatch party dedicated to addressing social segregation on campus, and you will find yourself scribbling down “mismatch” in the box for February 20 on your calendar.
Snider says she is outgoing, happy and likes to joke around a lot, but that her family would describe her as dominating and organized. She has a way of talking with a large, beautiful smile on her face that tells you she spends a lot of time laughing. The things she talks about, though – discussions at Black Student Union meetings on the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog, and her experiences as a student and tutor in the CORE AIDS course taught by Associate Professor of Psychology Jun Yoshino – let you know that she has a strong will to learn and to lead.
Snider, a geography major and sociology minor, has professed, but perhaps more importantly, demonstrated, a strong interest in public health. This past summer as an intern at Williams and Associate, Inc. in St. Louis, Snider wrote grants, visited juvenile detention centers and led focus groups with the goal of reducing minority health disparities. Snider is the president of Sister to Sister, a Colgate organization involved in educational studies, volunteer work and a little nourishing play.
“We educate ourselves on women’s health issues,” Snider said. “And once a month we have gym days.”
Some gym days involve swimming in the Grace H. Lineberry Natatorium, an activity Snider recently mastered in a Colgate physical education course.
After graduation in May, Snider would like to work with a non-profit organization in public health.
“In two years, I want to get a dual degree,” Snider said. “M.P.H. and J.D.”
The dual degree, a masters degree in public health and a professional law degree, would allow Snider to write public health policy in the future.
For now, though, Snider is busy with Konosioni meetings, Sister of the Round Table (SORT) events and her supervisor duties as the student coordinator for Campus Safety. Snider is one of those remarkable people who make you wonder how she does it all.