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The Oldest College Weekly in America. Founded 1868.

The Colgate Maroon-News

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Oldest College Weekly in America. Founded 1868.

The Colgate Maroon-News

The Oldest College Weekly in America. Founded 1868.

The Colgate Maroon-News

Editorial Policy

The opinions expressed in The Colgate Maroon-News are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily represent the views of The Colgate Maroon-News or of Colgate University. 

 The Colgate Maroon-News accepts Commentary pieces regarding news coverage, editorial policy, University affairs and other topics pertinent to the students and campus community at Colgate University. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit submissions to a reasonable length and to fit the standards outlined by Associated Press Style (AP Style). The newspaper cannot guarantee the publication of all submissions received and reserves the right to reject submissions based on style, punctuation, grammar and appropriateness. Defaming, denigrating or incriminating language regarding or directed at individual students and/or student groups will not be printed. Any statements made in Commentary pieces must be backed by factual information. 

Solicitation on behalf of student groups will not be printed. Idiomatic profanity will not be printed. Offensive language may be printed as part of a report on the use of such language or related issues. Anonymous Letters to the Editor will not be printed. Letters from alumni should include the graduation year of the writer and all writers should provide a telephone number for verification. All submissions must be received by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. for Friday publication.

Organizations are encouraged to alert the staff of The Colgate Maroon-News, as publication of such events, alerts, and information is possible, if deemed so by Senior Staff. The newspaper reserves the right in entirety to edit the content of such announcements to fit space limitations, stylistic requirements, and to preserve the integrity of the newspaper from which the submitted content will be published. Should a party disagree to changes made by the Editorial Board, the newspaper reserves the right to decline publication. 

  • Authorship Rights: Those who submit to The Colgate Maroon-News for publication understand that upon submission, they consent to any editing members of the Editorial Board deem necessary. Such editing will never alter the message or meaning of a submission, but editing for journalistic and stylistic printing standards is often needed. Authors will be made aware of any edits made to their submissions and a dialogue may be had on the changes if requested. They will be credited with authorship but The Colgate Maroon-News subsequently reserves the right to revise the content. Should a writer wish to publish their work written for The Colgate Maroon-News, they are able to by linking the publication to the newspaper’s website. Expressed permission must be granted by the Editor(s)-In-Chief for a writer to publish submitted work owned by The Colgate Maroon-News on an external news site.
  • Objective Reporting Statement: The Colgate Maroon-News does not censor ideas nor does it promote one narrative. The newspaper and its editorial board will not publish content that is aggressive in nature towards an individual, group or identity, a policy consistent with some of the nation’s most significant national publications. It is in the discretion of the Senior Staff if content is aggressive in nature.