Room Selections Go High-Tech
The office of Residential Life is in the midst of developing an online room selection process for the 2008-2009 academic year. In an effort to conserve paper, improve efficiency, and increasingly satisfy students’ living requests, many changes will be implemented in the transition from the paper application to the online application.”In the past we would choose from the remaining rooms the room you would most likely prefer according to your written specifications whereas now you will choose your room yourself during room selection,” Assistant Director of Residential Marketing and Technology Ryan Bennett said.Additional benefits include a pre-determined selection time based on a lottery number, floor plans of rooms and both group and individual online applications for different housing options.In an interview on Friday, January 25, Director of Residential Life and Assistant Dean of the College for Residential Education Jennifer Adams explained the new process of attending room selection night based on a given lottery number – to be distributed to students on February 4 – and clarified the new regulations associated with these room selection changes.”Students studying abroad in either the Fall or the Spring term are required to ensure that their rooms are occupied during their off-campus experience,” Adams said. Adams also explained that students planning on living with members of the same class year will have priority over students who wish to live with members of a different class year.Living spaces for the 2008-2009 school year for the Class of 2011 include the Harlem Renaissance Center, the Townhouse complex, Bryan, Curtis, Cutten and Drake Halls as well as 94 Broad Street. The majority of students will select rooms in- person on specific room selection nights; detailed instructions, lists of residential options, lists of available rooms, floor plans and applications are now also available online to facilitate students in determining their living situations.Residences for the Class of 2010 and the Class of 2009 include the Newell Apartments, the Parker Apartments, the University Court Apartments, the Asia Interest House, the Cushman House, La Casa Pan-Latina Americana, The Loj, the Townhouse Complex, Bunche House, Creative Arts House, the Greek Houses and the Harlem Renaissance Center. While many traditional apartments and suite arrangements no longer need an application, online applications for Greek housing as well as theme houses and townhouses are required and are due on February 25.The students’ response to the idea of a change in room selection is very positive. “I think the idea of online housing applications is a great plan and will provide significant improvement in determining my living situation next year,” sophomore Rifat Zaman said. “Knowing which rooms in which location are available at the time of selecting rooms will definitely facilitate decision making”Lottery numbers will appear in CU mailboxes on February 4 and important information sessions will be held on Monday, February 4 and Tuesday, February 5 for the class of 2011 and Wednesday, February 6 and Thursday, February 7 for the classes of 2009 and 2010. In addition to attending these information sessions, students are encouraged to be vigilant about times and dates and to formulate several living plans for room selection for the coming academic year.