In The Light: Amanda Nicodemus

Amanda Nicodemus’ vibrancy lends itself to her intelligent charisma, creating a Colgate woman who knows where she’s going and is excited not only to get there but to take the journey.

Nicodemus works as an Office of Admissions intern, interviewing and assisting with information sessions. “I love it,” she says. “The best part is talking to students about Colgate and all the opportunities available here. Of course, the absolute best is when they already know that Colgate is their first choice, because then I can just talk to them about the finer details that make Colgate so wonderful.”

Putting her leadership skills to good use, Nicodemus is co-chair of the Senior Class Gift Committee. For the first time she has the opportunity to show the class of 2006 what it means to be an alumnus. The 2006 class gift will be a monetary addition to the annual fund, which, Nicodemus is quick to point out, helps every department at Colgate.

“I do what I enjoy,” says Nicodemus. Becoming a new member of the Link Staff her senior year, she beams when talking about her freshmen advisees. “It’s incredible to see how quickly they’ve grown up since coming to Colgate,” she says.

A member of Gamma Phi Beta, Nicodemus enjoys working with the Greek community as a whole through the Panahellic Board, which helps to “promote a healthy Greek system because at our center we’re really about unity.” Nicodemus has served as a recruitment counselor for the past two years, and she worked on the Executive Board.

A classical studies and sociology double major, she calls Latin a “labor of love” and Abroad Extended Study an amazing expereince. “It was incredible,” she said, “We gave presentations in the forum, traveled down to Pompeii and walked along the streets that were covered in ash.”

“A lot of students seem to be worrying about making a lot of money in their professions when they graduate,” says Nicodemus. “But I say, if you really love what you do, money and success will conspire to find you. Go with what’s right, what’s in your heart.”

Nicodemus’ ambitious personality and gung-ho attitude are attributes that incline her to see an endless future for herself. She sees herself in her mind: “one week I’ve become an ambassador; the next week I own a restaurant.” Whatever the future has to bring Nicodemus, it can only be good things.