Some news

Okay – the e-mail address isn’t correct but I thought this would be interesting – the following is an excerpt from a letter David Hale (Colgate Treasurer) sent to fraternity leaders in response to the possibility of fraternity houses becoming non-residential. The possible idea was to support the residential life plan by moving all undergraduates into university housing but keep the houses privately owned and operating strictly as gathering places that offer meals. The university’s threat to expel students if that happens is disturbing and should be heard by the broader Colgate community.May be worth investigating…”Organizations that choose to retain ownership will no longer be residential and accordingly will not be recognized by Colgate after June 2005. In this regard, we are aware that there are ideas of houses functioning as eating clubs or even continuing as underground, unrecognized fraternities. Everyone should understand that the University will not permit this and will adopt a policy that any student who participates in an unrecognized fraternity or sorority will be subject to disciplinary sanctions including, possibly, suspension or expulsion.”