Beta House Books Ying-Yang Twins
Each school year, Beta Theta Pi (Beta) hosts “Beta Beach” on the fraternity’s grounds. This year the concert will feature the Atlanta-based rap duo the Ying Yang Twins.
Setup will begin Friday morning, September 17, when a local paving company will deliver enough sand to cover a 700 square-foot volleyball court where the “brothers only” volleyball game will take place Saturday afternoon.
“Beta Beach” begins the night of Saturday September 18 at 8:00 p.m. in the backyard of the Beta fraternity house, where rapper Jamie Drastik will open for the Ying Yang Twins.
Senior Alex Katz, a Beta social chair, worked with juniors Eli Heller, Alex Goldberg and senior Russell Reed, also Beta social chairs, to organize the event. Senior Mike Davis and junior Charlie Hartwick were also instrumental in organizing the weekend festivities.
“Tickets are $12 at the Coop [The O’Connor Campus Center] and $15 at the door,” Katz said. “But we encourage everyone to buy at the Coop because we are selling tickets at an unprecedented rate and might have to stop selling by Wednesday afternoon.”
Although Katz declined to cite specifically how much the event will cost, he did say that it will cost upwards of $20,000, hence the amount of effort being put into the event.
“In addition to being an event that we welcome the entire school to enjoy, we will also be using it as a celebratory party for our recently added new members who will be receiving bids on Friday afternoon.”
The Ying Yang Twins’ last studio album was Ying Yang FOREVER, which was released a little over a year ago.