Casey Unveils Third Century Plan
President Brian Casey presented Colgate’s Third Century Plan for the first time publicly to alumni, family and friends at his ‘State of the University’ address during Colgate’s bicentennial all-class reunion June 1. The four-section plan includes short and long-term initiatives in order to attract high-achieving students and faculty, improve academic facilities and programs and enhance student life and campus infrastructure.
“The legacy of the founders of the University demands that we be ambitious. The mission of the University requires that we enter a period of sustained boldness,” the plan’s introduction states.
The Third Century Plan highlights Colgate’s No-Loan Initiative, where the university will not offer loans as part of financial aid packages for students with family incomes under $125 thousand, beginning with all incoming and current students in the 2020-21 academic year. The plan also features the Middle Campus Initiative, which seeks to create new infrastructure between Case-Geyer Library, the Hall of Presidents, and Little Hall for arts and computer swcience programs. The Robert Hung Ngai Ho Mind, Brain, and Behavior Initiative aims to renovate Olin Hall with an interdisciplinary focus on the revamped program. The plan also highlights improvements on athletic facilities, Broad Street houses and university-owned apartments and townhouses.
According to Casey, the Board of Trustees, the faculty and the alumni council endorsed the plan prior to the Bicentennial Reunion celebration.
“What this plan seeks to do is it tries to accept the qualities of the institution: what are we, what’s unique, what’s distinct about this place, and how do we strengthen those particular elements, the foundation of Colgate. It wishes Colgate to be Colgate, but the best version possible,” Casey said.
Sophomore Molly Hendrickson said she felt hopeful by the aims of the Third Century Plan after President Casey presented it to members of student government August 27.
Hendrickson said she is excited to see changes implemented, particularly the No-Loan Initiative, during her time as a Colgate student.
“I think it will bring more types of diversity to the student body,” Hendrickson said. Hendrickson said she feels particularly drawn to the plan’s long-term Policy Analysis Initiative, which would create a center for interdisciplinary public policy study for future Colgate students and faculty.
“I’m majoring in International Relations and minoring in Sociology, so I feel like it would be beneficial to have a Public Policy Institute,” Hendrickson said. “I think someone like me could gain a lot of skills from having a stronger social science department.”

Kirby Goodman is a senior from Minneapolis, Minnesota concentrating in peace and conflict studies with a minor in political science. She's previously served as...