Big Men Fall Hard: Health Screening Promotes Heart Disease Awareness Among Colgate Men



RED DRESS DAY (FOR MEN): On Wednesday, an event at the African, Latin, Asian, and Native American (ALANA) Cultural Center attempted to address that many men don’t feel that they need to see the doctor regularly and don’t take the proper steps to protect against heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women. The event included a health screening run by Adjunct Professor of the Health Sciences and Director of Student Health Services Dr. Merrill Miller where attendees could get their blood pressure, Body Mass Index and cholesterol checked. This was in an effort to let participants know whether they were in the healthy range for heart disease. Also included in the event was a presentation about the links between heart disease and anxiety. After the screening was a panel discussion on heart health and especially how it pertains to collegiate males as well as how to keep heart healthy. The event stressed the importance of knowing where one stands with regards to heart disease.